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Processing and Follow-Up

The teaching cycle spotlights the role of doing follow-up work after your courses – this is where you learn from your experiences as a lecturer. That includes following up on the outcome of individual sessions as well as the outcome of the course as a whole.

  • Take notes about all ideas, impressions, problems, successes, feedback, and ideas for changes. You should also reflect on your teaching in view of gender and diversity. To do so, you can use the online self-evaluation tool from the University of Fribourg, Switzerland (only available in German and French).
  • What went well? What are you dissatisfied with? To what extent would you like to pursue continuing training in gender and diversity or higher education teaching methods? Use your follow-up work as a chance to expand and edit your teaching portfolio or begin it with a draft.
  • Contribute to quality control in your department and swap experiences and strategies for your courses with colleagues. If another lecturer will be teaching the same course or a similar one the following semester, suggest meeting to share your experiences.
  • Are there structural factors that improved outcomes or created difficulties? Can you give feedback on this to coordinators or propose changes? Would organizing a dedicated training course benefit your department?

Version April 2017. Unless otherwise stated, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International licence.