Academic work and critical thinking take practice. In many cases, the lecturer can give an introduction, which is then followed up in small portions. You can use these introductions deliberately – to point out gender- and diversity-conscious aspects or questions, for instance.
When students are engaged and asked to contribute their knowledge, their experience, and their ideas, their motivation and commitment rises.
Actively tackling learning material facilitates better learning outcomes than purely consuming the lecturer’s statements.
When students participate more actively, you get better feedback about their knowledge level – concerning gender and diversity as well. What concepts or theories are still unclear? Are there any misunderstandings or prejudices that need to be addressed? What do the students already understand well? In what areas is there criticism or a need for discussion?
The students also grow more aware of their rising knowledge levels. Progress is made visible, encouraging further progress. Any gaps that appear can be filled through personalized independent study or coursework planning.